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Dental Implants

Aesthetic. Permanent. Strong.


Our dental implants are restored with lifelike porcelain crowns. Each is bespoke & made in Adelaide.


Dental Implants are permanently united with your jaw bone, and are designed to last you a lifetime.


Dental implants are made from titanium. Allowing patients to bite with confidence and comfort.


Dental Implants Adelaide

Thorough, fully informed, transparent, meticulous surgical planning, 3D guided surgery.


Dental Implants Adelaide

Advanced Onsite Technology

For convenience, safety and modern guided surgery

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Onsite Conebeam CT for 3D radiographs

Our onsite Vatech SmartPlus ConeBeam CT creates instant hi-definition 3D radiographs, allowing us to start planning dental implants at your very first consultation.

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Digital Intraoral 3D Scanner
Accuracy and predictability

Our onsite Medit i700 intraoral 3D scanner allows us to create instant digital 3D intraoral records. This means we don't need to use traditional messy and unpleasant impression materials or methods. These 3D digital models are used throughout our digital workflow for the creation of our 3D p[rinted dental implant surgical guides

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3D Printer
Safe and accurate guided dental implant surgery

Our onsite Formlabs 3D Printer, Washer and Curer allows us to print, wash and cure our dental implant guides onsite. Giving us complete control over the produciton of our dental implant surgial guides.

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CAD CAM Dental Implant Software
Precision, predictability, safety

Our licensed coDiagnostiX® dental implant software is fully integrated with the rest or our digital workflow. Allowing us to safely and accurately plan anything from single dental implants to complex 'All-on-4' dental implants cases. The software allows us digitally mockup cases, digitally position implants, visualise important anatomical structures and design surgical guides.


The combination of our onsite Vatech SmartPlus ConeBeam CT machine and coDiagnostiX® software allows us to deliver patients accurate information at the time of their very first consultation.

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The recovery after a dental implant is usually surprisingly mild.

Post operative pain & swelling after a dental implant is usually minimal.

Most patients can return to work the very same day after having a dental implant.

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Sedation & Aneasthesia

For Wisdom Teeth, Tooth Removals & Dental Implants

Full range of sedation and aneasthetic options available.

Make an appointment


Get in touch via sms, phone, email or book online.


No referrals required

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